[Notification] - Discount on all services at 2ndline.io

12.27.47 26/08/2022 Melihat 10910 Ukuran huruf

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What did you already know? Currently 2ndLine we are having a huge SALE discount on all services

Other                            : 0.13⬇️
Telegram                      : 0.12⬇️
Hotmail/Yahoo             : 0.04⬇️
Microsoft                      : 0.04⬇️    
Lazada                          : 0.04⬇️
Facebook                      : 0.04⬇️
Google/Gmail/Youtube  : 0.04⬇️
Shopee                            : 0.04⬇️    
Paypal                             : 0.04⬇️
WhatsApp                       : 0.04⬇️

In addition to the above applications, if you want to discount any more services at 2ndline.io sim rental website, please contact us immediately at our facebook page.

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